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OES Executive Board Officers

Sister Sandra Kyles

Sister P. Jean Cephas
Financial Secretary
Sister Shavonne Jackson
Recording Secretary
Sister Crystal Murray
Sister Cynthia Brown
Sister Shebra Lee
The OES Executive Board consists of past and present female department leaders and their associates. The Executive Board has a Director, Vice-Director, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and other officers deemed to be necessary by the board. The officers are elected by the members of the Executive Board in an election conducted by the Grand Matron or her designee. Their term of office is one year.
Purpose: The purpose of the OES Executive Board is to provide strategic direction. The proper functioning of the board and the diligence of its members are closely linked to the organization's capacity to operate effectively.
Duties: The OES Executive Board's duties include hearing issues and other agenda items that may arise within the state and make suggestions as to how to address them. The OES Executive Board's duties also include hearing and discussing a grand entity leader's aspiration letter, qualifications, and platform for the position they aspire to run for.
It is not the duty of the OES Executive Board to determine whether the Aspirant can run but, it is the Board’s duty to determine whether she is qualified. Once the Board has concluded, a written report is submitted by the Board Director to the Supreme President or his designee outlining the Board’s opinion on the aspirant’s eligibility for her consideration and decision. Board members have a voice that is listened to and respected. They are part of the team that provides leadership to address the organization's mission. The team has a meaningful impact if acting with honesty and integrity.
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